Bonnie's blog

P&B Garden 2025 Seed Starting


It's time to start dreaming about our 2025 garden. Now that we have more flexibility in our retirement, we can plan with greater care and not have to be in such a hurry. 

Last Bouquet of 2024


Here is our last bouquet from our 2024 garden, made from a david austin rose, belinda dreams rose, agertum and celosia.  It was so rewarding to be able to gift a lot of beautiful bouquets from our garden this year to friends and family, but I got to give this last bouquet to my daughter which ma

Beautiful Flowers Live On


Very close to our home is a lovely flower farm in Coppell called Bishop Hill Farm    Amanda is the owner and very knowledgeable on all aspects of flower farming, arranging and drying.  We purchased the

The Squirrels Did Not Get All My Bulbs This Year


Every year I plant tulips and daffodils so they bloom for Easter and Mother's Day.  Unfortunately, the squirrels have always dug up my tulip and daffodil bulbs in years past.  This year I learned from Callie at the Dallas Garden School that I was not planting the bulbs deep enough.    Thank you

Getting Back to Routine


I love this blog that Jennifer created for me over 15 years ago but I am sorry to say that I have not kept up with my posts for the last couple of years.  The last year of my career was challenging and our first year of retirement has been filled with trips enjoying each other and our new found

Embracing New Beginnings


The  end of one chapter signals the beginning of another and we are more than ready to sow the seeds of our next adventure.

Unique Seed Box


I bought this great seed box from Wilder Island on Etsy.  The box is hand made from recycled construction material that is decoupaged.  The cover is glass and makes for an elegant piece to display anywhere and hold all my seeds for the next season.  (Search for WilderIsland on Etsy)

Rethinking Traditions - Amaryllis


Each year I grow amaryllis bulbs at Christmas time.  Amaryllis are so rewarding to watch grow and their blooms are exquisite.  There are so many different unique varieties of amaryllis in beautiful colors outside of the traditional red, so each year I grow a couple others in addition.  But the t

Jack O'Lanterns at PB Garden


We enjoyed having the boys stay overnight and made a trip to Hall's Pumpkin Patch.  Grandpa has not lost his carving skills and finished these pumpkins for them to take home.  We love the fall but know that this will start the beginning of the holidays and the end of another year will soon come

As you Work in the Garden the Garden Works on You


I read a quote the other day that said "As you work in the garden, the garden works on you".  So interesting are these versatile, heat loving and beautiful feathery celosia and the life lesson they taught me this summer.  Despite brutal heat they never gave up giving beauty.  Instead of
