Above - Shade Garden - Today - July 26, 2009 Below-Shade Garden - April, 2009
It has been almost four months since demolition started in our shade garden. Our go green project, as you know, was devastating, as our contractor did not deliver on what was promised. We lost our drainage system, sprinkler system and shade garden.
Paul came to my rescue and re-designed and re-installed a drainage system and the new shade garden. He spent every weekend this summer digging and wheeling wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of good dirt, filler dirt and mulch back into the shade garden. We have now replanted almost all the plants that were moved into the temporary garden last April
Today, the hostas loved the rain and their blooms are just as exquisite as ever. I have missed my shade garden and am so happy to have it almost back to normal.
Thank you Paul !! I love you.